Earthworm Jim

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Variant name: Earthworm Jim - Supernintendo/SNES - PAL/SCN/EUR - Cart Only
Stock status: Order item
(2-3 weeks delivery)
795 kr SEK
Releasedate 1995
Regioncode SNSP-AEJP-EUR
Players 1
Publisher Playmates
Genre Plattform
Variant name: Earthworm Jim - Supernintendo/SNES - PAL/SCN/EUR - Complete (CIB)
Stock status: In Stock
(5-7 days delivery time)
1595 kr SEK
Releasedate 1995
Regioncode SNSP-AEJP-EUR
Players 1
Publisher Playmates
Genre Plattform


Jim wasn't always a studly super-worm. He was once just a spineless, dirt eater with no real mission in life... Then a cosmic twist of fate placed him in control of an ultra-high-tech-indestructible-super-space-cyber-suit. Now Jim must make it to Princess-What's-Her-Name by staying clear of Psy-Crow, the intergalactic bounty hunter, until the final battle with Queen Slug-for-a-Butt.


Partno: SNES126
Stock status: Order item
(2-3 weeks delivery)
Releasedate 1995
Regioncode SNSP-AEJP-EUR
Players 1
Publisher Playmates
Genre Plattform
Partno: SNES126k
Stock status: In Stock
(5-7 days delivery time)
Releasedate 1995
Regioncode SNSP-AEJP-EUR
Players 1
Publisher Playmates
Genre Plattform


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